We’ve all struggled with the problem of reading our gauges at night due to poor lighting. Modern technology has come to the rescue in the form of white LEDs. However, single LEDs are too directional to work effectively. The big advancement has been the low cost incorporation of SMT (surface mount technology) LEDs into a configuration that can approximate a conventional incandescent light bulb’s omnidirectional illumination. I am a British car owner who developed these as an experiment for my car. I was so pleased with the results, that I have offered them to other British car enthusiasts. Response has been great for these bulbs and to-date I have made over 3000 of them. The attached photos show the bulb along with before and after water temp gauges followed by tach and speedo gauges.

The bulbs are offered singly at $5.00 each and can be purchased in any quantity. Shipping within the US is $3.50.

I can also fabricate POSITIVE GROUND bulbs for the earlier cars. Just order normally, and add a note requesting positive ground.