This CD contains an Overhaul Service Manual, Operation & Parts Manuals - for the Continental Aircraft Engines C-125, C-145 & 0-300 Series

These manuals are for the following models:
O-300 A, B, C, D & E
C-125, C-145 & O-300 Series

Used in Cessna Aircraft and others like the Skyhawk 172

These are the ORIGINAL MANUALS on CD

All on Easy to read PDF files

Fully Bookmarked & Searchable for Easy Navigation

Non current and sold for informational purposes only


I have Parts, Overhaul and Operators' Manuals and Catalogs for just about every Lycoming and Continental Engine, Old or New

So if you need any - please feel free to ask for them

Email with any questions


Shipped via first class mail & shipped promptly