Description: Hello, up for sale is exactly what is in the picture(s). This programmer works like it should. I may not include the original box when shipping. 

Shipping: I do an exceptional job packing items!!!! Usually I choose a three-day handling time because sometimes I am unable to get to post office for a few days but MOST of the time I am able to get it to you within five days and often sooner. I reserve the right to change the shipping method to match the least expensive means but most of the time it will go the way specified in the listing. If the package weighs less than 16oz. it will go First Class USPS, medium to large sized will go Priority USPS, and very large will go through Fedex. I ACCEPT ALL FORMS OF PAYMENT.  Pick up is always an option with me. I am sorry but I do not accept returns and I do not cancel orders so please make sure it is what you want before purchasing. 

Thank you, b

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